Friday, November 16, 2012

So Many Secrets on #FriFotos

The theme for #FriFotos this week is #SECRETS.  Here are a few of my submissions.

For years, Deep Creek Lake, has been known as "Maryland's Best Kept #Secret".  Lately, it seems the #secret has gotten out.  It is a very crowded place on a warm summer's day. 
Long known as "Maryland's Best Kept #Secret"
I took this picture a couple years ago of a #secret garden in Williamsburg, VA
A #secret garden in Williamsburg, VA
The #secret to my happiness is to hike a challenging trail to find a place like this small stream in the Great Smoky Mtns.
The #secret to happiness is to hike and find a spot like I found in the Great Smoky Mountains
I seems like President Kennedy took a bunch of #secrest to his grave.
How many #secrets did he take to the grave?
There are many #secrets behind the walls of this restaurant, but it's not a #secret to the people of Savannah, Georgia; The Moon River Brewing Company is haunted.

There are many #secrets inside the Haunted Moon River Brewing Company.

I wonder how many #secrets have been buried in this swamp in southern South Carolina?
How many #secrets are buried in this South Carolina swamp?
On a secluded rock ledge, over looking the Blackwater River Canyon in WV, is a great place to watch a sunset and ponder the #secrets of life.
Pondering the #secrets of life
 Sharing #secrets away from the crowd.
Sharing #secrets

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