Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Climb to Weverton Cilff

A new day, a new adverture.  Our climb up the Appalachain Trail to the Weverton Cliff.
From The Weverton Cliff
The Appalachain Trail
          We were on the way home from a show in DC and decided to take a little side trip to Harper's Ferry, WV.  It was a cool, mostly cloudy day, perfect for a short hike on the Appalachian Trail before going to the old, historic town.  We found the entrance to the trail a couple miles east of town and headed up.  From the looks of the map, I knew it would be a challenging little climb and it did not disapoint.  I knew nothing about the Weverton Cliff before we started, but I assumed that a steep climb like this should offer some incredible views.
Which way do we go???
          We wound our way up the trail, climbing over 700' in elevation, and when we reached to top, we were given the choice to continue on the trail or head to the cliff.  Anyone who knows me can easily guess which path we took.  It wasn't more than 100 yards to the Weverton Cliff which gave us an amazing panoramic view of the valley where the Shenandoah and the Potomac Rivers become one.
Up river toward Harpers Ferry

The vista down the Potomac

          In one direction, the mighty Shenandoah flows past the historic town while in the other direction, you can see for many miles as the Potomac heads toward our nations capital.  Despite the cloudiness, the vistas that day were nearly perfect.  I am all about snapping pictures, but on this day, the camera was with me and the memory card was with my daughter in Pittsburgh.  Of course, my IPhone did an adequate job, if I don't say so myself.

          There were more people than I expected to be out hiking on a Tuesday afternoon.  On the way up, we past a kid who was running the trail.  Given the incline and the ruggedness, it was an impressive sight.  At the cliff, we were joined by several other groups enjoying the afternoon.  The trip down went by pretty fast and was much easier on my body.
          Once again, we turned a boring trip into a hiking adventure as we continued xploring my world with our climb to up the Appalachial Trail to the Weverton Cliff.

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