Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dolly Sods Wilderness Adventure

      It was another cool Saturday in the mountains which meant one thing, a road trip away from Deep Creek Lake to check out what Mother Nature has to offer.  On this 62 degree day, we headed an hour south into West Virginia, to check out the Dolly Sods Wilderness Area.  It was definatly worth the drive.
      The back country, gravel West Virginia roads leading to Dolly Sods were not the greatest, but once we climbed the mountain to over 4000 feet, we were greeted with much better roads, amazing vistas and incredible natural beauty.  All along the road to the top were thousands of black-eyed susans and other wild flowering plants adding to the area's attraction.

      Not long after reaching the plateau, there was a scenic overlook which offered some amazing photo opportunitites.   Of course, this was right up my alley, so we pulled in and started snapping pics.  The place was more crowded than I anicipated and we were lucky enough to have "Mr. Know-it-all" at our very first stop who was explaining to every one within 100 yards exactly how these mountains were made and when it happened.  Thanks for the info, sir!

      We hopped back in the vehicle and headed down the road to an area called "Bear Rocks".  This was an impressive arrangement of massive boulders, dangling on the edge of the mountain.  It was quite a hike up and over the huge rocks and through native laurel but the views from the top were nothing short of breathtaking.  We spent about an hour on "Bear Rocks" snapping pictures and resting our legs for the hike back to the truck.  Finally, we enjoyed some food and some drinks in the bed of the truck before we started our trip home.

     Our adventure to the Dolly Sods Wilderness Area was a great afternoon trip and we were home before dark.

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