Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Blackwater Sunset

      On Saturday evening, we took a short drive into Tucker County, WV to visit Blackwater Falls State Park.  We have been to the falls many times (they are awesome) so this time we went looking for something different.  There is a cliff overlooking the canyon that you can see from the Pendelton Point overlook, so we set out to find it.
      We thought it was near the third set of cabins so we stopped there, but there was no paths leading anywhere so we headed down the road.  We parked at Pendelton Point to get a better idea where the cliff was.  From there, it looked like it was around those cabins, so we headed back.
      It was an interesting little hike through the Rhododendron and Laurel thicket, under Hemlock branches, up and over and back down some boulders, but we finally found it.  It was well worth the trip.  There is no path and you have to blaze your own trail, but once you get there, the views and peacefulness are amazing.
      It was a cool, crisp evening, but the sun had warmed up the rock so we sat down and watched as the sun sank toward the horizon.  There was no doubt we were in for a spectacular sunset, so we lounged on the cliff and waited.  You can not see the falls from this cliff, but you can hear them some 800 feet below.  Peaceful is an understatement.
      It cooled off quickly as the sunset view heated up.  The combination of blue sky, a few clouds, jet streams and the setting sun created an epic panoramic display.  Next time you are at Blackwater Falls, make a point of blazing your own trail to the cliffs overlooking the canyon and enjoy your own Blackwater Sunset.